Rebel Toxin Rebel Terrorist RPG Trooper Worker Mechanic Stinger Soldier Anthrax Mortar Hijacker Angry Mob Recruiter Saboteur Fanatic Jarmen Kell



None shall stand in our path!

Freedom fighter for the GLA, armed with a rifle to take down infantry and vehicles with ease. Can capture neutral vehicles on the battlefield.
Effective in groups.

  • HP: 130
  • Cost: 150
  • Armor: Flak
  • Role: Anti Infantry
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks
  • Primary Weapon: AR
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A

Toxin Rebel

Toxin Rebel

We will use toxins to defeat them!

Slightly more "experimental" than their Rebel counterparts, the Toxin Rebel is armed with a toxin sprayer, allowing easier destruction of infantry and light vehicles alike. Reduces armor of units attacked by 5% and leaves a poison cloud on any kill. Can capture neutral vehicles on the battlefield.
Effective in groups.

Note: This unit is exclusive to Scorpion Cell

  • HP: 130
  • Cost: 150
  • Armor: Flak
  • Role: Anti Infantry
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks
  • Primary Weapon: Toxin Rifle
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A


They won't take me alive!

Fearless fundamentalists of the GLA with only one objective: to take as many enemies down with them. Armed with an explosive vest, Terrorists will charge at enemy forces with no hesitation. Can commandeer bomb cars for extra speed and a bigger boom.

TIP: Terrorists deal 80% less damage to friendly units, use this to your advantage.

  • HP: 120
  • Cost: 200
  • Armor: None
  • Role: Anti Ground
  • Upgrades: Worker Shoes
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks
  • Primary Weapon: Suicide Vest
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A
RPG Trooper

RPG Trooper

Shh, I sense danger may be near!

Standard rocket infantry for the GLA, armed with an RPG to tackle any armored or aerial threat in its path. Effective against structures.

  • HP: 114
  • Cost: 300
  • Armor: None
  • Role: Anti Armor/Air
  • Upgrades: Rocket Reload
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks
  • Primary Weapon: RPG Launcher
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A


Ow! Okay, okay, I will work!

Acting as an engineer, workers are able to capture enemy and neutral structures, as well as repairing your own. Can also capture neutral vehicles on the battlefield.
So please, give these workers the shoes they've been begging for decades now...

TIP: If the game option "Multi Engineer" is enabled, enemy stuctures will need 3 engineers to capture instead of 1.

  • HP: 105
  • Cost: 500 / 350 (Multi)
  • Armor: None
  • Role: Repair, Capture
  • Upgrades: Worker Shoes
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks
  • Primary Weapon: N/A
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A


Sigh, they don't build em like they used to.

You've heard of the Field Medic, but now get ready for the Field Mechanic. The GLA stepped up their game and allowed their vehicles to be easily repaired by these badasses. Oh, and they detect stealth too.

  • HP: 170
  • Cost: 400
  • Armor: None
  • Role: Support
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Arms Dealer
  • Primary Weapon: Repair Wrench
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A

Stinger Soldier

High explosives ready!

Essentially the RPG Trooper V2, the Insurgent has both increased range and firepower than their T1 counterparts. You'd be a fool not to mass build these guys, unless of course you're stuck with Scorpion Cell.

Note: This unit is exclusive to Scarab Cell

  • HP: 150
  • Cost: 500
  • Armor: T2 Flak
  • Role: Anti Armor/Air
  • Upgrades: Rocket Reload
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Black Market
  • Primary Weapon: Stinger Missile
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A
Anthrax Mortar

Anthrax Mortar

Big gun, big pain

The Anthrax mortar excells at harassment of units, providing siege ability effectively against groups of units. Poison clouds linger and will deal damage to any unit standing nearby.

Note: This unit is exclusive to Scorpion Cell

  • HP: 195
  • Cost: 500
  • Armor: T2 None
  • Role: Siege, Harrass
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Black Market
  • Primary Weapon: T Mortar Gun
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A


Need a new vehicle?

Want a new tank or vehicle? Not a problem for the hijacker, he'll take control of any vehicle he comes into contact with. Can also be stealth while stationary to wait for unsuspecting vehicles, be sure to snag yourself a few high tier tanks with this tactic.

  • HP: 200
  • Cost: 600
  • Armor: T2 None
  • Role: Vehicle Thief
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Black Market
  • Primary Weapon: N/A
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A
Angry Mob Recruiter

Angry Mob Recruiter

Kill! Kill! Kill!

He may not be the mob, but he certainly knows how to get one started. Armed with default machine guns, the Recruiter will spawn various mob members to join him in the cause. These mob members can be armed anywhere from simple molotovs to high end assault rifles.
(The Soviets stole the AK-47s from them)

TIP: Since mob members only spawn based on when the recruiter attacks, you'll be able to have all member spawn by force firing the ground first.

  • HP: 225 (80-150 for members)
  • Cost: 700
  • Armor: T2 Flak (None - Flak for members)
  • Role: Anti Ground
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Black Market
  • Primary Weapon: Varies
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A



You have my services.

Acts as a spy, able to infiltrate most buildings for a benefit, with infiltrations as follows:
- War Factory / Barracks: Intital veterancy
- Radar: Reshroud
- Power: 1 min and 30 second power shutdown (in-game time)
- Superweapons: Timer reset

TIP: Be careful when infiltrating a fake structure, your base will be sabotaged with low power

  • HP: 140
  • Cost: 800
  • Armor: T2 Flak
  • Role: Infiltration
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Black Market
  • Primary Weapon: Disguise Kit
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A




Throws sticky anti vehicle bombs at the target unit. Also carries demo charges which work simultaneously on buildings with other Fanatics:

TIP: These units can also deal friendly fire damage, so be careful.

  • HP: 200
  • Cost: 600
  • Armor: T3 None
  • Role: Anti Armor, Siege
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Palace
  • Primary Weapon: Sticky Bomb
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A

Jarmen Kell

Jarmen Kell

What's the job?

The infamous hero of the GLA, able to wipe entire infantry armies with complete ease. Can also be used to snipe the drivers of enemy vehicles, allowing capture and a $50 cash bonus per snipe, use him well.

TIP: Jarmen Kell can snipe higher tiered vehicles, target these units first to eliminate them and assimilate them into your ranks.

  • HP: 280
  • Cost: 1800
  • Armor: Hero
  • Role: Anti Infantry
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Palace
  • Primary Weapon: Dragunov Sniper
  • Secondary Weapon: Driver Shot
