Minigunner Red Guard Attack Dog Tank Buster Tank Hunter Asian Engineer Incinerator Grenadier Hacker Informer Field Officer Railgunner Commando Huolong



T1 multiple purpose infantry.

The Minigunner is able to fire at enemy aircraft as well.

  • HP: 165
  • Cost: 200
  • Armor: Flak
  • Role: Anti Infantry/Air
  • Upgrades: Chaingun Upgrade
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Primary Weapon: AG/AA Minigun
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A

Red Guard

Red Guard

T1 anti infantry unit.

  • HP: 150
  • Cost: 160
  • Armor: Flak
  • Role: Anti Infantry
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Primary Weapon: Rifle
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A
Attack Dog

Attack Dog

T1 scouting unit

  • HP: 140
  • Cost: 150
  • Armor: None
  • Role: Scout, Anti Infantry
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Primary Weapon: Melee
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A
Tank Buster

Tank Buster

T1 anti armor infantry.

Unlike the Tank Hunter, this infantry cannot attack air units.

Every so often the Tank Buster receives an attack speed buff during combat.
This effect has a 2 minute cooldown.

  • HP: 114
  • Cost: 300
  • Armor: None
  • Role: Anti Armor
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Primary Weapon: Rocket Launcher
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A
Tank Hunter

Tank Hunter

T1 anti armor and anti air infantry.

  • HP: 120
  • Cost: 325
  • Armor: None
  • Role: Anti Armor/Air
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Primary Weapon: Bazooka
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A

Asian Engineer

T1 support infantry able to repair structures.
Also capable of capturing neutral tech buildings and enemy buildings.

TIP: Pay attention to whether the game option: "Multi-Engineer" is turned on. If it is, you'll generally need a minimum of 3 engineers to capture an enemy building.

  • HP: 105
  • Cost: 500 / 350 ME
  • Armor: None
  • Role: Repair, Capture
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Primary Weapon: N/A
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A


T2 siege and anti infantry unit

TIP: While generally not recommended due to its range, this unit also fares fairly well against enemy infantry.

  • HP: 200
  • Cost: 300
  • Armor: T2 Flak
  • Role: Siege, Anti Infantry
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks, Research Facility
  • Primary Weapon: Flamethrower
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A


T2 support and anti infantry unit. Detects stealth units.

Capable of throwing flashbangs at enemy infantry, lowering their damage by 30%.
Flashbangs ignore garrisons and deals full damage to units inside.
Flashbangs also have a chance to completely disable their target for 6 seconds.
This ability has a 14 second cooldown.

  • HP: 210
  • Cost: 380
  • Armor: T2 Flak
  • Role: Anti Infantry
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks, Research Facility
  • Primary Weapon: Grenade
  • Secondary Weapon: Flashbang


T2 vehicle/defense disabler and economy unit.

Capable of disabling enemy vehicles and generating income.

TIP: While deployed, the hacker generates a certain amount of cash depending on its rank. If the hackers are being attacked by tanks, feel free to undeploy the hackers in order to disable their aggressors.

  • HP: 170
  • Cost: 550
  • Armor: T2 None
  • Role: Crowd Control, Economy
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks, Research Facility
  • Primary Weapon: Hax
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A


T2 infiltration infantry.

TIP: Pay attention to any weird or risky building placements from a GLA player. If you happen to infiltrate a fake building, your base will power down for a certain duration.

  • HP: 140
  • Cost: 800
  • Armor: T2 Flak
  • Role: Infiltration
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks, Research Facility
  • Primary Weapon: Disguise Kit
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A

Field Officer

Field Officer

T3 support infantry.

Upon attacking, increases nearby allied unit damage, armor and rate of fire by 15%
This effect does not stack.

If he dies in combat, all nearby friendly units will gain a 25% attack speed buff.

  • HP: 210
  • Cost: 700
  • Armor: T3 Flak
  • Role: Support
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks, Battle Lab
  • Primary Weapon: SI Pistol
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A



T3 anti armor infantry.

Has a chance of reversing the weapon effects of enemy units. e.g. damage = heal
This ability works on both, infantry and vehicles.

This infantry is immune to mind control.

  • HP: 220
  • Cost: 850
  • Armor: T3 Plate
  • Role: Anti Armor, Support
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks, Battle Lab
  • Primary Weapon: Portable Railgun
  • Secondary Weapon: N/A

Commando Huolong

Commando Huolong

Hero infantry.

Has ammo. If the ammo is full, Huolong is capable of shooting an explosive arrow, dealing a large amount of damage in an area.

TIP: Pay attention to whether your explosive arrow is available and choose your target accordingly. A well-placed explosive arrow can deal an immense amount of damage.

  • HP: 300
  • Cost: 1700
  • Armor: Hero
  • Role: Anti Ground
  • Upgrades: N/A
  • Power: N/A
  • Prerequisite: Barracks, Battle Lab
  • Primary Weapon: Explosive Arrow
  • Secondary Weapon: AP Arrow